Hsc English 2nd Paper Final Suggesting 2024
Part B: Composition (40 Marks)
Formal Letter
1. Write an application to the Principal of your college for increasing library facilities/ multimedia facilities.
2. Write an application to the Principal of your college for setting up a computerlab/ increasing computer lab facilities.
3. Write an application to the Principal of your college for organizing an
English Language Club.
4. Write an application to the Principal of your college for a seat in the college hostel.
5. Write an application to the Principal of your college for arranging a study
tour/permission to go on a study tour. 6. Write an application to the Principal of your college to open a debating club/ an English debating club/ language club.
7. Write an application to the Principal of your college to provide sound system in your large classroom.
8. Write an application to the Deputy Commissioner of your district for relief and medical aid for the flood-affected people of your area.
1. Write a mail to the Admission Section of Oxford University asking them about admission procedure for overseas students.
Making Complaints
1. Suppose, you are an inhabitant of 'Y' Pur. Write a letter to the Chairman of electricity board of your district complaining about frequent power failure in your area.
2. Suppose, you sent five packages of books to Khulna through Royal Courier Service. One package was missing at the time of delivery. Now, write a letter to the customer service manager complaining about missing/ damaged goods.
3. Write a letter to your commissioner complaining about the mosquito menace in your locality.
11. WRITING PARAGRAPH (By Listing/Description)
1. The Importance of Female Education/Empowerment of Women
2. Uses and Abuses of Mobile Phone/Facebook/ Internet/Social Media
3. Quantities and Duties of an Ideal Student
4. Tree Plantation/Deforestation
5. The Importance of Learning English
6. Our National Flag
7. Pahela Boishakh
8. Bangabandhu Satellite-1/Dhaka Metro Rail/ The Padma Bridge
9. The Historic 7th March Speech
10. Load-Shedding/ Natural Calamities/ Environment Pollution/ Climate
11. Early Rising/A Moonlit Night
12. Book Fair/ Your Visit to a Book Fair
13. Drug addiction/Food Adulteration
(Comparison and Contrast)
1. City Life vs Rural Life
2. Online Class and Traditional Class
3. Life before and after Digitalization in Bangladesh/ Virtual life vs Real life
4. Junk Food and Healthy Food
(Cause and Effect)
1. Deforestation/Indiscriminate Cutting of Trees
2. Environment Pollution/ Climate Change/ Food Adulteration/ Water Pollution/ Air Pollution/Global Warming
3. Price Hike
4. Drug Addiction/ Bad Effects of Smoking
5. Road Accidents in Bangladesh/ Traffic Jam
6. Dengue Mosquito/ Dengue Fever
7. Dowry System
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