Hello Everyone. How are all? I hope everyone is fine. Friends, Every day we search Good Night sms on google to give good night to friends. Like Good night SMS English,Good night sms for girlfriend,Latest Good night SMS,Good night SMS for friend,Short good night SMS,Funny good night SMS,Good night SMS for love,Cute good night SMS,Sad good Night sms. So today we are here with all the great good night sms for you. I hope you will like it.
Good night SMS English
Whenever you are busy I always listen to your old voice messages because I love to hear your voice everytime.
Told you to be online at 9:00 PM and you were at 8:50 PM waiting for me if you care this much for me then I’m blessed
I don’t know about my office work but this habit of talking to you at late night will make me stress-free
As soon as I see the moon at night, I know this moment will turn so romantic with you
Talking to you at night is the best thing that I can do and that’s the most loveable part for me
My night is not good if it is not ended with you
It is was really a hectic working day but this small moment of the night talking to you released all my pain.
Whenever I talked to you at night, you made me feel like that I’m made for you.
I spent the entire day without you but this night is specially made for us.
Want to live that beautiful moment with you by looking at a shooting star and holding your hand
This so soft cushion in my bed made me realize to always think of you and it is as soft as your body
I want to sleep with you because keeping my head onto your chest makes me feel that we are one body.
I always like to hear the stories and wants to recall all the love we make together at night
Baby its too late now but my heart is not letting me turn off my mobile and my love is telling me to take care of you. So have sweet dreams, Goodnight!
I don’t have time read my books for my studies but I’m always free to chat with you and especially at night I’m on overtime
Good night sms for girlfriend
Whenever my mobile phone rings by your message my heartbeat go up and my love always become double for you
Baby, I always think that if I could have you next to me in my bed and we can make love and spend a beautiful moment of our life
There is no one who believes me and there is no one who knows my reason for loneliness it’s just you who understand my pain
The only thing for which I wait for long in the next morning is the beautiful night and the time that I can spend with you
I love the night because it is so silent and I can talk to you peacefully and can love you more
Baby I don’t want to sleep but I have to take care of yours so you sleep and I love you so much. Goodnight sweetheart!
You are so beautiful and I don’t have you but I wanna see you in dreams. I’m sleeping. Goodnight darling!
Now I’m in my bed, I wish I could be in your laps and sleeping.
I don’t need bedtime stories but I want you to talk because that is more loveable
Baby, I can’t sleep without hugging you tightly and I feel so lonely without you
We used to spent hours and hours standing next to the wall kissing each other and then I used to lift you in my arms and make you sleep like a baby.
Latest Good night SMS
I always wish that you could put your hands in my hair and make me sleep by your side
Goodnight and please take care of yours and mine too. I love you so much
There is no night without you and there is no one else who cares for me like the way you do. Thanks to be in my life. Goodnight darling!
I soon want to marry you because I want to tell my kids about their wonderful mother and how she changed my life. Stay blessed baby, Goodnight!
You took so much care of me that I can’t forget you in my entire life. You are an angel to me When I was happy you were with me, when I was sad and alone everyone left but you stood there with me and I don’t wanna lose you. Just promise me to be with me e
I always send you to kiss emoticons but I wish I could be with you and kissed you in real
When the sun goes down the first that comes to mind is that it will be soon night time and will be talking about love and that makes me so happy
I wish I could be with you every night and make you awake till late by loving you
The only thing I missed in the night is your cute face and the way you used to hug me and sleep in my arms like a baby
Whenever my phone rings up with your name it does not says Baby is calling you it says- Baby is missing you
I miss you every night and I can’t wait to be with you sleeping next to you. Goodnight baby!
Every night you send me a pic of yours and that smile on your face makes me so happy and relax. Thank you to be in my life. Have a sweet dream, Good night darling!
Good night SMS for friend
It is so beautiful to look at the moon and at you at the same time. Two beauties at one point.
The night cannot be beautiful without talking to you and I want to make every second beautiful that’s why I talk to you so long.
Listening to your voice at night allows my mind to get good thoughts and a beautiful dream while I’m sleeping. Thank you for talking to me. Goodnight baby!
I miss you so much and I want to kiss you before going to sleep
I love the smell of your body and this makes me get more closer to you every time we met.
Hope you meet me soon. Take care darling. Good night baby!
I know you like it whenever I used to remove your clothes and touch your body and loved you. I missed all those nights. Please come to me will make that moment again baby
When my family used to sleep at night, I used to go to another room just to talk with you and make some love on the phone. I love you so much. Goodnight baby!
I liked the way when you used to behave like a small cute little girl and hug me like a baby at night before going to sleep. Waiting for you to come back. Take care baby…. Goodnight baby!
Whenever I go to sleep just before that I just recall every moment of our love that we made with each other
I like to see your pic at night time especially and I feel like to make you sleep over me.
Goodnight darling!
I like to see in shorts at night because that makes me more romantic and I feel like to love you more
Short good night SMS
Baby if you were with me now at night then I would grab your curves and bring you closer to me and our everybody part would be touching each other
This night cannot be romantic if I don’t have you next to me. Don’t you miss my touch baby.
I still remember when I used to love you and you turn on and you breathe so calmly. I just wanted to create that moment again with you at night. Baby come will make love and will make you sleep like a baby
Always wondering and also liked the way you first used to nod your head to no and then to yes when I used to love you.
Baby, it’s night time and with that, I always missed you so much because I want to keep my head to your chest and want to sleep….. Goodnight baby!
When you will sleep next to me I will love you every night that you won’t leave me again.
Goodnight my cute girl!
I liked to kiss you from your head to cheeks and then finally to your lips at night the love gets doubled…. Missing all those days. Goodnight darling
During winters when you used to feel cold I used to hug you tight and you get a better warm feeling. This night made me realize of you more. Have a sweet dream, my sweetheart. Good night darling
I wish I always sleep next you and you slowly bite my ears in love and give me wonderful feeling of life. I’m always waiting for you baby. Goodnight baby!
Its been too long we haven’t met but I promise whenever we will meet I’ll show you how much I really love you. I can’t wait to see you. Have a sweet dream darling! Will be meeting soon. Goodnight baby!
As you text me and start talking the way I like it makes me feel so relax and it seems that you are with me in my bed and sleeping on my chest.
Whenever you are busy I always listen to your old voice messages because I love to hear your voice everytime.
Funny good night SMS
- Welcome to Sweet Dreams airlines. We’ll be shortly arriving at Dreamland. Fasten blankets, puff the pillow, close your eyes and get ready to doze off! Good Night!
- Sleep like today is a world sleep day but make sure you don’t slip out of the world in the process. Have a sound sleep!
- Good night! Ah, good the night that wraps thee in its silver light.
- Good night! No night is good to me that does not bring a thought of thee.
- Rest in harmony this evening, God is greater than anything you will confront tomorrow. Goodbye!
- Individuals rest quietly in their beds around evening time simply because unpleasant men stand prepared to do brutality for their sake. Goodbye!
- The time between a good night to good morning, all poetries are mentioned by her with his love and their good memories.
- Nighttime can seem longer than the day when you dream big dreams. Daytime lasts longer for people who make their dreams come true.
- Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it is morrow.
- My idea of a good night has always been having a lovely meal and a proper conversation.
- Do not go gentle into that good night but rage, rage against the dying of the light.
- Welcome to Radio FM, This is DJ bed sheet by my side is DJ Pillow holding it down for the night, I’ll play you a song titled Sleep tight a Dozen My Angel. From the Album Good night and Sweet Dreams, Artist: Your loving Boyfriend.
- The good people sleep much better at night than the terrible people. Obviously, the terrible people appreciate the waking hours significantly more. Good night!
- My desire for you tonight is to sleep well without any worries, free from all troubles and undisturbed by the weight of this world, goodnight and have a pleasant night’s rest baby.
- The sun is red, the sky is blue, I cannot stay happy, without disturbing you. Goodnight my love.
Good night SMS for love
I think of you every day and every night because you are my one. I love you so much! Good Night!
You’re the only thing I think about before I fall asleep and when I wake up. Sweet dreams, honey.
I’m so thankful to you that you choose me and love me unconditionally. Good night, love.
Before you go to sleep, know that there’s someone who loves you like crazy. Good night, sweetheart.
A beautiful night like this should be spent with a beautiful person. I’m happy because I have you. Good night my love!
When I wish you good night, it means I am thinking of you right before I go to sleep and I really want you to be in my dreams tonight!
I wish I were the pillow underneath your head or the blanket that warms your bed. I wish I were everything that you need at night!
As I could not be there with you tonight, I asked the moon to watch over you. So go to sleep without worries! Good night my love!
Wishing for the brightest stars to guide your dreams today. Have a good night, love!
If you need a tight hug before you sleep tonight, my love will crawl up to your heart and warm your soul. Sleep well, darling!
Cute good night SMS
I hope you have the best sleep that makes you energetic for tomorrow. Good night, honey.
It’s so hard being without you. I can’t wait for tomorrow to hug you tightly. Good night, dear.
Thank you for making my day. Now, close your eyes and sleep peacefully, dear. I love you.
Honey, you have done your best today! And to prepare for tomorrow’s hassle, you need to rest today! Good night and sweet dreams!
Honey, it is you who my heart beats for! So let’s not separate even in our dreams! Good Night!
Good night, baby. I wish I could be with you. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.
Can you feel me when you wrap your blanket around you? Can you see me when you close your eyes? Because I can. Goodnight dear!
Your smile makes me so crazy; your sorrow makes me so hurt. But I always want to see you happy every day and every night. So baby, good night and be happy always.
When the nights are dark and the times are hard; darling, don’t be afraid because I’ll be with you through all the good and bad.
My love, I hope you sleep with my thoughts on your mind, my love on your heart, and my embrace around your body. Good night!
Good night, my love! Sleep is the only time when you can’t reach out to me, so I’m trusting the angels to take care of my baby!
Sad good Night sms
I’ve Had Enough Of You Vegeta! Time To Tuck You In And Say Goodnight!!
May You Dream Of Lovely Things And To Find Them Real.
Each Day I Wish That My Dreams Will Come True. Then I Remember That I Am Now With You.
Each Night You Sleep Is A Signal That A New Beginning Awaits You.
One Day, We Will Never Have To Say Goodbye, Only Goodnight.
I Don’t Dream About You, Because I Can Never Fall Asleep Thinking About You.
All I Wish That I Could Be There To Say Good Night Instead Of Sending You This Message.
My Idea Of A Good Night
Out Is Staying In. – Martin Freeman
Eveything That Kills Me, Makes Me Feel Alive.
Tonight, I Would Walk A Thousand Miles Just To Be With You. Missing You, My Love.
Your Bed Just Called Me. It Said That It Wanted You And Me To Join It In Dreamland. Let’s Get Moving And Answer The Call.
Tag:- Good night SMS English,Good night sms for girlfriend,Latest Good night SMS,Good night SMS for friend,Short good night SMS,Funny good night SMS,Good night SMS for love,Cute good night SMS,Sad good Night sms

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