আসছালামু আলাইকুম প্রিয় ৯ম শ্রেণির শিক্ষার্থী বন্ধুরা তোমাদের ২০২৩ সালের বার্ষিক পরীক্ষা সামনে রেখে আজকে আমরা সকল বোর্ডের জন্য ৯ম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি সাজেশন ২০২৩ নিয়ে হাজির হয়েছি। আসা করি এই সাজেশন ভালো করে পড়লে তোমাদের অনেক উপকারে আসবে।
৯ম/নবম শ্রেণির/শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি সাজেশন ২০২৩ (সকল বোর্ড)
Textbook lesson
Unit-5 Lesson-1- Meherjan
Unit-5 Lesson-2- Air & Water Pollution
Unit-5 Lesson-3- Human can neither change Unit-5 Lesson-5- Reuse and Recycle
Unit-6 Lesson-5- Maldives
Unit-7 Lesson-1 - Zainul Abedin
Unit-7 Lesson-2- Partha Pratim Majumdar
Unit-7 Lesson-5- Mother Teresa was moved
Unit-8 Lesson-1-Shatgambuj Mosque
Unit-8 Lesson-4-Lake Baikal
Unseen Passage(Extra)
1. Pied piper of Hameline
2. Sher-E-Bangla A K Fazlul
3. Albert Einstein
4. Stephen Hawkings
5. Alexandar Fleming
6. Charles Babbage
7. First President of the USA
Paragraph First Paper***
1. Rainy day
2. Tree plantation
3. Winter Morning
4. Traffic Jam
5. Our National Flag
6. Load Shedding
7. Book Fair
8. Pahela Baishakh
9. Environment Pollution
10. Air/Water Pollution
Completing Story"
1. Liar Shepherd.
2. Wood cutter and fairy.
3. Thirsty crow.
4. Two friends and a bear.
5.Hare and tortoise.
6. Lion and mouse.
7. Hazrat Bayazid Bostami (Devotion to mother)
8. Who will bell the cat?
9. Farmer and his sons. (Unity is strength/Hidden treasure)
10. Two rats stealing bread
11. Robert Bruce
E-mail (First paper)
6. Asking for the short syllabus of SSC exam. 7. Preparation for examination.
8. Future plan of life.
9. Prize giving ceremony.
10. How to prevent Covid-19
11.Bad Affect of smoking
Informal Letter***
1. To friend about importance of reading newspaper
2. To father about your preparation for exam
3. To brother about importance of early rising 4. To friend inviting to pass the vacation
5. To friend about your plan after SSC exam
6. To friend about a road accident
7. To friend about anual prize giving ceremony
8. To friend about your aim in life
9. To friend about danger of smoking
Pie-Chart/Graph Chart
1. Daily activities of s student.
2. Literacy rate.
3. Number of internet users.
4. Savings/Expense plan of a family.
5. Sources of air pollution in a city.
6. Population growth in Bangladesh.
7. Number of road accidents in Bangladesh.
8. Transportation used by students in a particular area.
9. Sources of energy/electricity of a country.
10. The average temperature of Bangladesh in a year.
Writing CV with Cover Letter
1. Assistant Teacher
2. Computer Operator
3. Executive Officer
4. Cashier of a bank
5. Manager of a Shopping Mall
6. Sales Executive/Salesman/Medical Representative
7. Receptionist
8. Office Assistant
1. Morning School.
2. Permission to stage a drama.
3. Repairing a road/bridge.
4. Sinking tube-well.
5. Permission to go on a study tour.
6. Opening a canteen at the School campus.
7. Allotment for a seat in the school hostel.
8. Relief for the flood affected people.
9. Increasing common room/library facilities.
10. Introducing a multi-media classroom.
11. Establishing a computer/language/literary/debating club.
Composition Second Paper**
1. Reading Newspaper
2. Your Aim in Life
3. Natural Calamities in Bangladesh
4. Population Problem in Bangladesh
5. Journey by boat
6. Childhood Memory
7. Rainy Season / Season you like most
8. Value of time
Class 9 /nine English Suggestion 2023 -নবম/৯ম শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি সাজেশন
Tag:নবম/৯ম শ্রেণির /শ্রেণীর বার্ষিক পরীক্ষার ইংরেজি সাজেশন ২০২৩ (ফাইনাল -সকল বোর্ড) | Class 9 /nine English Suggestion 2023-নবম/৯ম শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি সাজেশন,৯ম/নবম শ্রেণির/শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি সাজেশন ২০২৩

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