Moral Of The Story Repentance | Story in Repentance | Repentance

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Moral Of The Story Repentance | Story in Repentance | Repentance 

Moral Of The Story Repentance | Story in Repentance | Repentance

Moral Of The Story Repentance | Story in Repentance | Repentance     

★A person once heard a pious Muslim say that “For the last thirty years I am repenting for a sin and I don’t know how Allah will deal with me regarding it?”
★The listener asked: “What was your sin?”
The pious Muslim said: “I used to have a shop in the Bazaar. One day I heard that the whole Bazaar was burning so I rushed to see my shop. When I reached there I saw that except my shop all the shops were razed to the ground. I said ‘Al-Hamdo lillah’ (All praise to Allah); but immediately I realized my mistake. How can I call myself a Muslim when I couldn’t feel the loss of my neighbors? That is why I am repenting for that lapse on my part for the last thirty years.”
Tag:Moral Of The Story Repentance, Story in Repentance, Repentance,short Moral Story,English Moral Story 

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